Boards and Commissions

Board of Zoning Appeals

The BZA meets on the third Monday at 6:00 pm at the Knox City Hall as needed, call for the next meeting date.


  • Mike Skinner, Chairman
  • Jim Jenkins, Vice-Chairman
  • Shannon Hoekmann, Secretary
  • Jeff Houston, Member
  • Monica Miller, Member
  • Justin Schramm, Board Attorney

Board of Works

The Board of Works meets on the fourth Wednesday at 9:30 am at the Knox City Hall.


  • Jim Collins, Member
  • Steve Dodge, Member
  • Mayor Dennis Estok
  • Vacant, Board Attorney

Park Board

The Park Board meets on the fourth Monday of each month unless it falls on a holiday or there will not be a quorum at 5:30 pm at the Knox City Hall.


  • Vacant, President
  • Gary Dulin, Vice-President (School Appointment)
  • Glenn Barnes, Secretary
  • Ruth Bailey, Member (Library Appointment)
  • Nathan Bradley, Member
  • Lora Estok, Member

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm at the Knox City Hall.


  • Don Kring, President
  • Jeff Berg, Vice President
  • Jeff Houston, Secretary
  • Sherry Cowen, Commissioner
  • David Metz, Commissioner
  • Ron Parker, Commissioner
  • Jim Brown, Commissioner
  • John Wilson, Commissioner
  • Jim Jenkins, Commissioner
  • Justin Schramm, Board Attorney

Redevelopment Commission

The Redevelopment Commission meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 4:30 pm at the Knox City Hall.


  • Jeff Berg, President
  • Marcia Hayes, Vice President
  • Autumn Ferch, Secretary
  • Marsha Boggs, Member
  • Mike Estok, Member
  • Nathan Bradley, Member
  • Vacant, Board Attorney